Amie understands you because she’s been you.
She talks the talk AND walks the walk.
Amie realizes that none of us can do this journey alone.
She is a life-long learner and continues to work with her own coaches, living the principles she teaches everyday. Amie is constantly growing, redefining herself, and expanding her vision with each new milestone.
Did you know…?

When you work with a coach you are:
• 10 times more likely to achieve something you’ve never done before.
• Able to create and sustain even greater results in the areas where you are already experiencing success.
• Skipping (any more) years of struggle and can accelerate your results.
If achieving dreams on your own was easy, you would have done so already.
As your coach, I help you:
• get out of your own way
• re-pattern self-sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs
• build confidence in your ability to get un-stuck
• do the things you always dreamed of doing — write the book, the song, the screenplay, book the job, travel, create YOUR masterpiece!
Coaching with me provides a structure of support, accountability, someone in your corner cheering you on, and I can help you see what only someone outside yourself can see. Most importantly, I will be the person who believes in you when it’s hard to believe in yourself, because I know you are meant for so much more.
The Power that resides in each one of us is far greater than any circumstances, situation or condition.

Here’s some of the results you can experience from my Programs:
Create a clear vision for what you would love.
Move from feeling stuck to finding purpose & passion.
Overcome the fear of failure that may be holding you back.
Identify limiting beliefs and blind spots.
Increase satisfaction at work.
Unblock creativity.
Learn how to become a better partner.
Encourage self-discovery and growth.
Create professional and personal growth plans.
Improve relationships and communication skills.
Foster more powerful connections professionally & personally
An easy introduction to these powerful teachings is through my complimentary Vision Workshop

My complimentary Abundance Affirmations Guide reveals how to overcome self-sabotage if you long for more abundance
This guide can help you...
• Enjoy more ease in attracting wealth into your life...
• Experience the transformative frequency of abundance with greater clarity and ease...
• Fulfill your desire to live a richer life... and more!